2 sample t test minitab
2 sample t test minitab

Note that to get a confidence interval in Minitab, you need to ask for a two-sided hypothesis test. If the two samples are in different columns, select "Each sample is its own column" and indicate which two columns contain the data.If the samples are in one column, with another variable containing the labels that designate which sample each value belongs to, then put the column containingthe samples in the box labeled "Samples" and the column containing the labels in the box "Sample IDs".Again, by clicking on "Options", you can change the confidence level or switch to a one-sided test. If you have the summary statistics for both variables, you can select "Summarized data"and input the summary statistics. Minitab outputs both a confidence interval for the mean of the differences, and the t-statistic and p-value for the hypothesis testthat the difference is zero.įor the two-sample t-test, there are three ways to input the data. You can click on "Options" to change the confidence level or switch to aone-sided test. You just have to either input both columns of data, or input the sample size,sample mean, and sample standard deviation for the differences between the columns.

2 sample t test minitab 2 sample t test minitab

The procedure for the paired t-test is similar. Minitab outputs both a confidence interval for the parameter and the results of a hypothesis test.The confidence interval is under "95% CI for μ", the t-statistic is under "T-value", and the p-value appears beside the t-statistic.Minitab does not tell you whether or not to reject the null hypothesis, but of course you can figure this out from the p-value. If you want, you can click in the "Graphs" button and get a histogram orboxplot of the data at the same time as the test. Note that what Minitab calls the confidence level is not exactly what we have been calling the "significance level"or "alpha level" a confidence level of 95 corresponds to a significance level of. If you click the "Options" button, you can change the alternative from two-sided (the default) to one-sided.You can also change the "Confidence level". You can either give Minitab a column of data (by clicking in the white box at the top and then selecting a column),or you can select "Summarized data" and just input the sample size, sample mean, and sample standard deviation.To get a hypothesis test rather than just a confidence interval, check the box "Perform hypothesis test".You must also input the "Hypothesized mean", which is the value of μ 0 when your nullhypothesis is μ = μ 0.


You will then see options for a number of tests.You should focus on 1-Sample t (the one-sample t-test), 2-sample t (the two-sample t-test), and Paired t (the paired t-test).More details on how to perform these tests are given below, although you may prefer just to start on the activity and refer back to these instructions as needed.įirst, consider the one sample t-test. To find confidence intervals and carry out hypothesis tests in Minitab, go to Stat -> Basic Statistics. You will analyze data on SAT scores and GPAs of economics students at Vanderbilt University, and data from a cloud seeding experiment. Math 11, Lab 7 Lab 7: SAT scores and cloud seeding (Hypothesis testing)In this lab, you will use Minitab to find confidence intervals and conduct hypothesis tests.

2 sample t test minitab